Quality, Commitment &


Founded in 1936, J C Atkinson and Sons has grown through three generations of family ownership to become the leading independent manufacturer and distributor of coffins, caskets and other related products to the UK funeral market.

The business now employs 150 staff across three UK locations, with the company’s products having an outstanding reputation for quality.
J C Atkinson offers the UK’s most extensive range of products on the market. Whether they are traditional, modern, personalised or environmentally sustainable coffins, they are delivered on short lead times across the country and with a high-quality customer service.


A Brief History

Our Environmental

Policies In Action

The company has been at the forefront of the green growth in the industry, implementing sustainable energy features to minimise its environment impact and develop more environmentally friendly products.

The business was first to gain certification Forest Stewardship Council® for its use of green sources of raw materials and they have picked up several awards along the way, among them The Sunday Times Best Green Company Award and a special Good Funeral Guide award.


A Bright Future

In 2020, J.C Atkinson & Son (JCA) was delighted to announce a strategic investment by Newable Capital, which would enable long term sustainable growth. Newable Capital is part of Newable, a leading provider of money, advice, and space to UK SMEs.

This long-term investment by Newable Capital will enable the business to consolidate its leading position in the market, deliver increased capacity of a broader range of products from its existing factories to its long-standing client relationships.